How to Say Imagination in German

by Expath Language School

We all like to daydream a little... just save it for after German class!


The German word for “imagination” (in the sense of forming images in your mind) is Phantasie (f.), also spelled Fantasie (originating in the Greek “phantos” for “visible”).

An “illusion” (in the sense of a false or misleading mental image) is either Illusion (f.) or Einbildung (f.).

Note: The action of imagining something is sich etwas vorstellen in German.


Seiner Fantasie waren keine Grenzen gesetzt. His imagination knew no limits.

Dass du es schaffst ist pure Fantasie! That you will succeed is pure fantasy!

Stell dir vor du wärst ein Millionär! Imagine you were a millionaire!

Ich kann mir das nicht vorstellen. I can’t imagine that.

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