Telc prep course

Preparation Course for Telc Exam

Get ready for your official B1 Telc exam with a four-day preparation course in Berlin-Mitte.

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Get Telc-Ready

This course is made for those who are applying for citizenship or permanent residency in Germany and need to take the B1 Telc exam.

We‘ll provide you with helpful tips and tricks for each section of the official Telc test: listening, reading, writing, speaking, and you‘ll get to practice in context, with guidance from our teachers.

What‘s best, the book is included — so you all you need to bring is your thirst for German and we‘ll get you test-ready in four days!

All You Need for Your Telc Exam

Take the next step in your journey to certified fluency with our B1 Telc preparation course — the course book is included!

Practice Makes Perfect

Learn helpful test-taking strategies and skills, get real practice for speaking and listening sections, and do a mock examination.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

The course takes place over two weekends — four sessions of 360 minutes each, with a break — excluding public German holidays.

Register for the Course