How to Say to Save in German

by Expath Language School

Knowing this will save your day.


Depending on the meaning, the English verb “to save” has many different translations in German:

  • retten: “to rescue” or “to recover”.

  • sparen: this word is used to express saving money, time, energy, space or costs/expenses, etc.

  • speichern: saving one’s work or files on a computer.

  • bewahren: “to keep”, “to retain” or “to preserve”.

  • schützen: to “protect”.

  • halten: this word is used in soccer/football.


Der Feuerwehrmann rettet die Katze aus dem Baum. The firefighter is saving the cat from the tree.

Er spart sehr viel Geld. He’s saving a lot of money.

Du musst deine Dokumente immer speichern! You always have to save your documents.

Wir müssen die Tiere vor dem Aussterben bewahren. We have to save the animals from extinction.

Gott schütze die Königin. God save the queen.

Der Torwart hat den Ball gehalten. The goalkeeper saved the ball.

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